State Regulatory Developments

NMLS Releases 2019 Q3 Mortgage Industry Report Update

NMLS recently released its Mortgage Industry Report Update covering the 2019 Q3 period detailing data concerning companies, branches, and mortgage loan originators licensed or registered through NMLS to conduct mortgage activities. 

The new report revealed, in part, that from 2018 Q3 to 2019 Q3, the number of state-licensed mortgage companies grew by 4.4%, and the number of state-licensed individuals decreased by .8%.  Additionally, the number of federally-registered mortgage companies and federally-registered individuals decreased by 3.4% and .4%, respectively.  NMLS also noted that the number of companies that held both an approved state license and an active federal registration increased by 1.2%, and the number of individuals who held both an approved state license and an active federal registration decreased by 11.7%.  Further, based on information submitted through Mortgage Call Reports, NMLS stated forward mortgage loan originations by state-licensed mortgage companies increased 28.2% since last quarter and 66.0% since last year.