WBK Industry News - Federal Regulatory Developments

BCFP and FDIC Release Spanish-Language Version of the Updated Money Smart for Older Adults

The Bureau and the FDIC recently released a Spanish-language version of the updated Money Smart for Older Adults (MSOA).  The MSOA is an educational program developed jointly by the Bureau and the FDIC to be an easy-to-use resource for older people, caregivers, and service providers.

The updated educational program has new topics and fresh graphics to help older adults and their caregivers recognize and prevent fraud, scams, and other types of elder financial exploitation.  The MSOA also includes information to help older adults plan for a secure financial future and make informed financial decisions.  All of the materials are printed in large print to make it easy to read and are now available in English and Spanish.

The Bureau’s press release regarding the MSOA can be found at: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/latest-version-money-smart-older-adults-now-available-spanish/.